Table of Contents


CancerSupportSourceSM (CSS) is the first validated distress screening program developed for community-based hospitals, physician practices, and advocacy organizations that fully integrates screening, referral, and follow-up care, all through a single, streamlined, web-based program.

Instead of managing the CSS survey and clinician report separately or entering them manually, we have partnered with the Cancer Support Community's Strategic Growth Team to integrate the CSS system and MyCareReport (MCR) results into the contact management function within Gnosis.  Using this integration provided the following benefits:

  • Supports scheduling of the MyCareReport (MCR) initial & follow-up surveys directly within Gnosis.
  • Supports reporting on the status of current MCR surveys.
  • Automatically makes the MCR clinical and participant reports available within the participant's Gnosis record.
  • Sends emails to participants with links for them to complete surveys or, when in-person, supports launching the surveys on tablets using QR codes.
  • Eliminates the need to use both systems independently and manually upload MCR reports to Gnosis. 
  • Once a Gnosis record is provided to the CSS system via this integration, any subsequent relevant changes to that participant's Gnosis record are also automatically updated in the CSS system (name, DOB, email address).

The following 3-minute video walks through the complete process for requesting a new survey and the follow-up actions therefrom. 


To implement the CSS/Gnosis integration, please book a 30 minute meeting online, where we will discuss the options, actions and timing for implementation. 


Using the Integration - A Step-by-Step Guide

Create a new Contact Management Entry

This Contact Management entry will create the new Person in the CSS System:

  1. Shown in the 'Red' box below:
      • Category = Participant Support
      • Service Type = CSS Initial Screen or CSS Rescreen
      • Resource Type/available MCR Survey Types= CSS With Cancer or CSS Caregiver
        • English & optionally Spanish versions if available in your system
  2. Shown in the 'Green' box below:
      • Contact Type:
        • In Person setting will generate a QR Code to obtain the CSS survey for the participant to complete scan and complete onsite. 
        • Any choice other than In Person will cause an email invitation to be sent to the participant.
  3. Fill in other fields as desired.

    Pro Tip: Use a pre-configured contact management template to speed up the entry process. Learn more.



Processing and Communications

  1. Pressing Save Changes forwards the data to the CSS system.
  2. CSS generates a survey URL and returns it to the Gnosis system.
  3. Based on the selected Contact Type (In-Person or other), Gnosis will either display a QR Code to scan with a tablet computer and hand to the participant or, if not in person, it will send an email to the participant with the survey link.

Tracking and Logging

  1. All actions are logged in the "External Service Log" tab within the contact management record.
  2. Participant and Clinical reports are stored in the "Attachments" tab of the Contact Management Note as well as the Participant's Document Library. 
  3. The Report Center provides a CSS Screening Completions Report v2: A list of completed CSS Screenings, ordered by completion due date for the last six months. The report pulls directly from CSS system completion data and not just the Gnosis Contact Management fields.

Follow-ups and Re-Screening

  • Once the survey is completed (depending on your organization's optional settings in the CSS system) CSS will add a follow-up contact management entry in Gnosis that includes a rescreen date, reflecting a future rescreening scheduled for the participant. 
  • When the date for the rescreen arrives, Gnosis will send the participant an email containing the rescreen survey link.
  • This process flow provides the data required to create automated reminders for screenings not completed when due (using exception reports). These reminder emails are scheduled to be sent each day and will go to participants with a re-screening due on that date.

Communications Items

The attachment below contains four boilerplate Gnosis emails (4 x English, 4 x Spanish) used as part of the CSS integration process:

  1. Initial email sent when the initial screening is booked (if the contact type is not set to 'in person')
  2. The Follow-up email scheduled to be sent when the re-screening is due to be completed.
  3. The reminder email sent if the initial screening is not complete within a week of sending.
  4. The reminder email sent if the follow-up screening is not complete within a week of sending.

The file attachment has each of these emails available in English and Spanish. and needs to be customized with the network partner-specific info like contact numbers, emails, logos, etc.  For more information on importing this attachment to your system, see this article.


CSS Reporting

We provide three standard reports as part of your CSS integration:

  • CSS Screening Completion Report
    lists completed CSS Screenings, ordered by completion due date for the last six months.
  • CSS Upcoming Scheduled Screenings Report
    provides a list of CSS Screenings, ordered by the due date, unless the contact records are marked as completed.
  • CSS Screening Status Report
    provides a list of CSS Screenings, ordered by completion due date

Additional reports - or modifications to these reports - can be performed using standard schemas. The reports listed above are all provided as downloads at the foot of this article.


ADAPT Reporting

Screenings entered pre-integration are all counted as completed screenings in ADAPT. Once your integration is active, the newly entered screenings ONLY get counted in ADAPT when the participant completes the survey on that screening record.






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