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Gnosis has an inbuilt forms manager that allows you to easily construct and manage the content of forms on your web portal without having to use the Composite CMS to edit the page directly when changes are needed.

Forms managed by the Web Portal Forms Manager can consist of Person and/or organization profile fields, Attribute fields, plain HTML fields, and some other special-purpose fields like document upload widgets.

This document has two parts:

  • Setting up a Web Portal Page in Composite to Host the Form
  • Creating a Form and Managing Form Fields


Setting up a Web Portal Page in Composite to Host the Form

Forms With Person/Organization Profile Fields

To set up a form that includes Person profile and/or Organization profile fields, you will create a new Gnosis Portal page (with a Connect4Connector control in the controls area) and add the NewRegistration control from the Functions > Gnosis > Data-Controls menu. 

If this form is to be used for New Person/Organization registration, the Connect4Connector's Page Auth Level should be set to NotAuthenticated.  This will cause the NewRegistration control to initially prompt for an email address if the current user is not logged in.  If the current user is logged in, the form will immediately display the specified data for that person/organization.

Setting the Connect4Connector's Page Auth Level to DatabaseGuest will require the person to be logged in and the form will not accept new registrations.

The following properties on the NewRegistration control will require setting:

  1. Login On Successful Register should generally be turned on
  2. Registration Mode must be set to Person or Organization mode - or allow the guest to decide.
  3. New Person Success Page (if using a person mode) must be set to the page to go to after successfully registering or editing a person.
  4. New Organization Success Page (if using an organization mode) must be set to the page to go to after successfully registering or editing an organization.
  5. Person Signup Form ID will contain the form number (see next section) containing the attributes and other form elements to be presented after an initial person profile is submitted.
  6. Organization Signup Form ID will contain the form number (see next section) containing the attributes and other form elements to be presented after an initial organization profile is submitted.

Additional properties may be set to show, hide, and change the behavior of the person and/or organization fields.

Forms Without Person/Organization Profile Fields

To set up a form that includes only attribute, HTML, and/or Special purpose fields, you will create a new Gnosis Portal page as detailed above and add the Dynamic Form UI control from the Functions > Gnosis > Data-Controls menu.  The following properties on this Dynamic Form UI control will be required:

  1. Entity Type must be set to Person or Organization.  This will direct the form to save its data on the Person's profile or on the profile of the person's Primary Organization.
  2. Form ID will contain the form number (see next section) containing the attributes and other form elements to be presented.

With this type of form, the Connect4Connector's SuccessPage property is used to determine the next page to display after saving content on the form.


Creating a Form and Managing Form Fields

For this next step - creating the form itself, please refer to this article: Creating a Form and Managing Form Fields






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