In addition to the Gnosis application, your system also provides a web Portal - a collection of web pages available to assist with interactions with your constituents, donors, volunteers and other interested persons.
Most often the portal pages are part of a "sister" website created during your implementation and designed to look like your main website. In this case, both sites work together seamlessly and look to visitors as if there is a single web site. If you use Gnosis to host your entire website, these portal pages are provided alongside your main website pages all together on the one site.
Portal Access Requirements & Details
- Portal access is separate from your Gnosis application access/login information. Access to the portal is available to any person that has an email address as part of their record in your Gnosis database.
- The person's email address is used to login to their account on the portal.
- If a person accesses a page that requires an account, they will be prompted to log in or create a new account:
- Entering an email address that already exists in the database will prompt the person to enter or reset their password and will auto-send them a link that will allow them to reset their password.
- Entering an email address that is not currently in the database will prompt the person to create a new account and set a password.
- All portal activity is directly linked to the person’s record in the database and all changes/updates are immediately saved in their record.
- There are three purposes of the portal:
- Organizational Support options
- Service Delivery Options
- Member/Constituent Self Service Options
The following portal pages are available with the Gnosis system. If there is a page listed which you are not currently using and would like more information, please submit a ticket to
Organization Support Options
Donation Pages – Standard and custom donations pages are configurable, including the option to add a recurring gift option when donating.
Raffle Ticket Purchasing – Donation control available for purchasing raffle tickets online.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising - A suite of pages to facilitate peer-to-peer team and individual fundraising campaigns directly on your website.
Service Delivery Options
Online Membership Applications & Registration - The ability to accept new members online (where appropriate) and/or register interest online.
Online Calendar & Registration – Listing of events created in Event Management, facilitating online registration for applicable events and for fundraising, credit card charges for registration and the option of print-at-home tickets.
Communication Archives – Listing & full archives of all emails from selected Categories within the Communications Center.
Member/Constituent Self Service Options
The following are pages which allow the member/constituent to access the data in their personal record to make updates or complete a form to save new information.
Profile Information – Displays main contact information (email, phone, address) with other optional fields such as date of birth, gender, and profile photo.
Communication Preferences – Page to manage the type of communications a person is able to receive. The required opt-out link in all Gnosis emails will bring the person to this page, automatically logging them in.
Password Reset – Page to reset a current password.
Family Information – If desired, a page showing all linked family members with the ability to access/update their profile information in addition to their own. The type of linked persons to show on this page is determined by the relationship settings in your database.
It is not common to have the following pages available on the portal menu list but instead to link to these pages through Gnosis email. This process allows staff to send an email link to these pages to the desired people, under the necessary circumstances.
Member Information – If desired, a page which includes fields from the Member Info tab. Allows staff to send an email for member data review/update as often as desired. You can opt to include all fields from the tab or select fields by category.
Volunteer Information – If desired, a page which includes fields from the Volunteer Info tab. Allows staff to send an email for volunteer data review/update as often as desired. You can opt to include all fields from the tab or select fields by category.
You can also implement an online volunteer application process for new applicants using the fields available from the Volunteer Info tab.
Custom online forms - If desired, you may create additional record tabs to build new online forms for data capture. Depending on the extent of the addition, additional paid support time may be required.
Invoice History – Listing of all past and current invoices created in the person’s record. Allows online payment of open invoices.
Credit Card Manager – Allows a person to securely add a new credit card to their record for recurring use.
Accessing Person's Portal on Their Behalf
At any time Gnosis users have the ability to access a person's portal by following these steps:
- Open the person's Gnosis record.
- Top menu option > Person & Household Actions > Login to Website as This Person
- A browser window will open to the person's portal home page.
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