Processing a refund will depend on how the income was initially entered (Contribution Entry or Invoice) and the payment type used.
Reversing Invoice Payments
The steps below can be used to reverse a check/cash payment or fully process a refund from a credit card payment.
- Open the invoice and select the line item(s) that you want to reverse/refund.
- Press the Refund button.
- Ensure all of the payment transaction lines you want to reverse are checked above.
- Complete the refund transaction information at the foot of the invoice area.
- Press the Process button.
- In the case of a credit card refund, an email receipt will be received just like with any other credit card transaction; the email will specify/confirm that a Refund was processed.
If you are reversing credit card payments, the full card charge must be reversed. You can then process a separate charge for the correct amount if necessary.
Note: When you process a "refund" for a card charge (payment) in Gnosis, one of two things happen:
- If you process the refund in the same daily batch, the original charge transaction is voided so the donor will not see any sign of the original charge.
- If you process the refund in a subsequent daily batch, the transaction will be processed as a separate refund transaction so both the original charge and refunded charge will show on the Donor's card statement.
Reversing Contributions via Credit Card
- If the contribution is via a credit card charged by Gnosis, you must first refund the card transaction directly through your account.
- To reverse the record of the contribution in the Gnosis donor record (not the transaction), you can add a negative value contribution for Offline Credit Card to offset the credit card transaction. OR,
- If you do not wish the credit card transaction to show in the donor's record you will need to send a request to support with the following info:
- Donor name
- Gift Date
- Gift Amount
- Batch Number
We are working on eliminating these multiple steps, and to allow the transaction refund and record removal to be completed in one step.
Reversing All Other Transactions
For transactions other than credit card charges directly made by Gnosis, you can use the Reverse Contribution option available at the end of the contribution line on the Contribution Entry screen as shown below.
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