Generally, invoices are created by the system as a means of recording commitments to pay or donate a specific amount. Invoices are auto-created as part of Subscriptions (recurring giving, payment plans, memberships, etc.), paid event ticketing, and facility rental requests. In addition to these auto-generated invoices, they may be created manually as a standalone record of an amount owing.
Built-In Invoice Creation Methods
- Subscriptions (pledges, recurring giving, memberships)
- Event paid ticketing
- Facility rentals
Manual Invoice Creation
An invoice can be manually created directly on the "Invoice History Tab" of either a person or organization record by pressing the "New" button at the bottom of the tab:
A new Invoice details form will appear in a new linked tab, allowing the details of the new invoice to be entered.
The Anatomy (Parts) of an Invoice
The invoice details screen contains the following items:
- Selector to specify whether the invoice is personal or to which linked organization it applies. When on the organization tab, this selector allows the selection of the linked contact appropriate for the invoice.
- Invoice overall details:
- Invoice date.
- Purchase Order number if any.
- Email address to which the invoice is sent.
- Overall accounting codes for the invoice (Source, Campaign, Solicitation Code)
- Line item + and - buttons to add new line items and remove existing line items. If all line items are removed, the invoice itself will be deleted on saving. Payment, refund, and credit transactions are not entered via these buttons but instead are entered via buttons at the bottom of the invoice
- Invoice Line Items require a transaction type, date, financial account name to which payments will be directed, description, and amount. The system calculates a balance amount for each initial debit transaction, accounting for subsequent payments, refunds, and/or credit adjustments that may be applied to the invoice line item.
- A customer message may be added to the invoice. This will be added to invoice documents.
- The bottom buttons perform the following functions:
- Enter a payment: Adds payment line item(s) to the selected invoice line(s).
- Processes a refund: Applies a refund to any selected payment line.
- Enter a Credit: Enters a credit against the selected line item.
- Void Invoice: Allows you to voit the entire invoice as long as no active cash-type transactions (Payments/Refunds) are present.
- View Payment Details: Displays information related to the selected payment line item on the invoice
- Email: Sends an email copy to the email address listed on the invoice.
- Print: Opens a pdf version of the invoice that can be saved and/or printed.
See Also:
- Subscriptions, Invoices, and Contributions Explained
- Splitting Payment Between Multiple Invoices
- Reallocating an Invoice Payment
- Subscription Accounting & Transaction Flows
- Pay Invoice Using Contribution Gift.
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