While this is not a Gnosis specific topic, we do get questions from time to time about images in emails not showing up correctly or at all in an email message.
There are generally two reasons an image won't show up on emails even though they do show up in the editor.
The image is too big for email.
- Image sizes should be less than 250kb. You can see the size of an image by looking at it in the windows folder where it is stored where it shows the size of each file.
- If the size is larger than 250kb for a full sized image or 100kb for a normally sized graphic, you will need to resize the image to be able to use it. To do this, you can use your desktop software (Microsoft Paint has a resize option) or one of the web tools like https://resizeyourimage.com where you can zoom in/out to visually resize your image to the desired size.
- When resizing the image, the objective is to have the image the same size as you wish to use in your email. Emails are generally 600px (pixels) wide or less, so if your image is wider than this, it should be resized.
The image is of a type not displayable in an email.
- PC's support some native image types that will not display in your email even though they look OK in your email editor.
- Be sure to use one of the valid image types with a suffix of PNG, JPG, GIF. If your image is of a type not listed here, you can use your "Paint" program to change its type. Just open the image in Paint and then save-as the image type (PNG is preferred, JPG is next preferred).
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