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Gnosis Communications provides the tools to create and send form emails directly from an individual profile, instead of a mass email sent from the Communications Center. Common uses for sending information, a form, or other portal links to a single person are:

  • New intake forms
  • Agreements/waivers
  • Adding additional profiles to household

Creating Form Emails

  1. If your Communications system does not yet have a Form Emails category, we recommend adding one.
  2. Create the email in Communications, being sure to provide the necessary portal links for the desired action. If you need assistance with creating or managing portal forms contact
  3. On the email settings for the new or existing email item, check on Allow selection/sending from Person Form.
    • This setting can be turned on for existing emails as well.
  4. Save and close the communication email item.



Sending Form Emails

  1. Open the desired person's profile.
  2. Single click Send Comm.
  3. Single click to select email from the listing on the right.
  4. Single click Send Item.
  5. In a few moments, a confirmation window will appear on the screen. After reloading the person's profile the email will also be displayed in the person's Contact Management log.




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