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Text messaging is an optional service to implement in your Gnosis system. Messages can be sent manually or scheduled to be sent automatically directly through Gnosis Communications.

Texting can be used for any of the following needs:

  • Event reminders or cancellation notices, and other event promotions if desired, using registration data
  • Event follow-up message using attendance data
  • Group announcements using Group Management or general profile data
  • Donation/campaign asks
  • Any other purpose

Please Note: Your recipients must explicitly pre-authorize you to send them text messages and there is an option built-in to Gnosis forms for this purpose).


Texting Costs (current as at June 2023)

  • One-Time Costs
    • Text Messaging Setup Fee - $48.00
    • The Campaign Registry (TCR) A2P-10DLC registration fee $20 (TCR is the new third-party regulatory licensing body for business text messaging)
  • Monthly Costs
    • Text Messaging Service - $8.50 Monthly, includes 500 message segments.
    • Each additional message segment is approximately $0.0072 ($7.20/thousand).

A message segment is 160 characters and carrier charges are based on the number of segments that are sent to each individual recipient, regardless of success or failure.

If you do not have text messaging and wish to add it to your system, please submit a ticket request to





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