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Gnosis Communications Size Count

The mceclip0.png button in Gnosis communications provides the total number of records defined by the query, or the total potential size of the group based on those records that match the query filters within the recipient group. This is not the final size of your recipient list.

When running a communications item, there are multiple behind-the-scenes functions which will inevitably lower the recipient group total, and these functions (listed below) have not been completed when using the size button.

  1. The opt-out filters for that particular communications category will remove persons that have opted out of either that category or all communications items.
  2. For emails items, invalid email addresses will automatically be removed.
  3. For printed output - like RTF Mail Merge and Mail File Generation, invalid mailing addresses will automatically be removed.

The Size button can be a helpful tool but depending on the nature of a communication item you may wish to obtain a more accurate recipient list number using the instructions below.


"View Final Recipient List" (Spreadsheet)

Gnosis Communications offers a separate, true-to-size list preview option. The list provided by following the steps below will have completed items 2 and 3 from above and will identify the records that have opted out of the communications category or opted out of all communications. This list will be an accurate preview of the records you will actually reach with your communication.

  1. With the Comms Item open, select the desired Media Type.
  2. Click the drop-down on the Preview/Test button
  3. Select View Final Recipient List (Spreadsheet)


The list will automatically display in a separate Gnosis screen.

  • OptOutStatus - Receiving or Opted-Out
  • OptOut_Cat - Any value in this column identifies the record that has been opted out of the current communications category.
  • OptOut_All - Any value in this column identifies the records that have been opted-out of all communication items.


NOTE: This list is NOT the final mailing list; it is only a preview. You must still Run the communications items to complete the process.






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