Table of Contents

When officially launching your Gnosis online portal (online accounts, calendar/online registration, donation page and more) consider including the following password setting link and text in an introductory email to constituents

For the most effective data capture, it is recommended to send the following emails to the different groups of constituents:

  1. All Active Records with Email (see Everyone with Email recipient group or via Record Type and Primary Email Exists)
    • Recommended content at Step 2 below.
  2. Active Participants/Members follow-up email (via Record Status and Type)
    • If desired, include link to online Yearly Visit Form (Member Info tab) for review/updates. Request link from your Gnosis Support Contact.
    • Message re kiosk check-in info and process changes.
  3. Active Volunteers follow-up email (via Record Status and Type, and general volunteer attribute)
    • If desired, include link to online volunteer form (Volunteer Info tab) for review/updates. Request link from your Gnosis Support Contact.
    • Message re kiosk check-in info and process changes.


STEP 1: Create the link needed for end users to set the first-time password for their Web Portal account.

The URL to insert in a Gnosis Comms email to send a link to people allowing them to set or set up their password is:<<AutoLoginParams>>

  • The YOUR_ORG_ID above should be replaced with the OrgID displayed in the very bottom left-hand corner of your Gnosis Pro application
  • Paste the link with OrgID added in desired location of your Gnosis email
  • Add the <<AutoLoginParams>> token to the end of the link by clicking and dragging it from the Available Field Picker list under Special Merge Fields.

This link with the updated OrgID and auto login token can then be used to direct users to the password setting page without having to specify an existing password.


STEP 2: Recommended Content to All Records with Email

You now have an online account with us! Your email address ([insert Primary Email Address field from Available Field Picker])is your username . Click here [insert your completed first-time password link from above] to set your new password then take a few minutes to review Your Profile Info.

Online registration made easy! Event registration buttons in our emails will be links which automatically log you in for easy registration.

When you see Auto-fill during registration, use that link to directly select your record, as well as any necessary family records currently linked to you. If you do not see your family member(s) listed, please add them by entering their name, and email if they have a separate email address. By manually entering names and emails, you will be creating a new account for these people; if they already had an account with that email, their existing account will be updated.

Note about family email addresses: An email address can only be used once in our database. Please do not use the same email for more than one person. One person will be able to manage registrations for the entire family using the Auto-fill links provided.

Last one! Always use the Forward this Email button/link instead of forwarding our emails directly. The emails you receive are linked directly to your account, including login and registration access. Using the forwarding button within our emails will remove these auto links and eliminate any confusion with registrations or donations. [Be sure to confirm/include a Forward to a Friend link/button (under Special Mail Merge Fields in Available Field Picker) at the end of all emails which the function is appropriate for.]



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