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Although the CAN-SPAM Act may not apply to all non-profit email communications, it is a best practice to include an opt-out and other information links within emails sent through Gnosis Communications.  Additionally, using Gnosis provided email services requires you to have an opt-out link in every non-transactional email message sent through Gnosis.

Information typically included in email footers or other locations near the end of email content:

  • Gnosis Forward to a Friend Link - «ForwardToAFriendLink»
  • Gnosis link for personal portal/profile access  - «EditProfile»
  • Gnosis opt-out link/link to manage communication preferences - «OptInOut»
  • Additional opt-out link option - «OptOutAllImmediately»
  • Gnosis Email Tracking link for tracking link clicks - «EmailTracker»

Gnosis offers two approaches to manage email footer content.

Option 1

Directly add each item to your email content using the available Special Merge Fields in the Gnosis email editor. This option allows you to format your info links however you wish.

It is recommended to update the email templates provided or create original templates with the desired links to ensure all emails include the necessary info.

Option 2

Work with Gnosis support to create an email footer to be automatically applied to all outgoing emails.

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences & Settings > Communications
  2. At the top of the list, check the box in the Organization column for Automatically Insert Footer Into Emails. Save & Close. Close and reopen the Communications module if already open.
  3. Send a test email from the Communications module to see the current footer.

If you wish to make changes to the system footer text, Scroll down to HTML to be placed at bottom of all HTML emails and click the dots at the end of the organization cell to open the content box.  

Note: This box contains raw HTML code to reproduce the footer.  If you are not sure how to modify it, Gnosis support will be happy to help.

The HTML code will be similar to this example:

<div style="text-align:center">

<p align="center">To update your information in our system click <a href="«EditProfile»">here</a>.<br />

You may Unsubscribe (Opt-Out) from future email and/or, set your preferences <a href="«OptInOut»">here</a>.</p>




  1. If you need help to change this information, please email with any changes you would like made.

TIP: Make sure that the box in the Organization column for "Automatically Insert Footer Into Emails" is turned on.



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