There are a number of ways to setup small email lists in Gnosis.
- You could create a recipient group (query) that included a prompt to include member ID’s und use that in your email recipient group. If it were a once only mailing list, that might make sense.
- An alternate and probably better approach would be to create a Recipient Group that includes everyone with a specific attribute set and then set that attribute for each person you want included. Using that approach, you could easily mail multiple items to that same group over a period of time. There is also an easy way to set attributes for a large number of people by pasting in a list of ID numbers. This can be done in the "Import Attributes" section of the Process Navigator in Gnosis Pro.
Perform the following steps to use the Attribute approach for setting up a list.
- Add a new mail-list attribute in the "Attributes Area" of the Settings | Administration area (you might want to create a “Mail Lists” category on one of the tabs and add your mail lists that you create in that category).
- On the main menu, go to "Settings | Support Menu | Reload Reference Data" to apply your newly added Attribute to your session.
- Add people to the list by any one of the following procedures:
- Search for person, check on the desired attribute, and then save… next person.
- Do an ad-hoc query to include a broader list containing all the persons you want to have on your list, click on each one that you want to include and set the attribute and save… switch back to ad-hoc query and continue with the next name.
- Create a list of person ID's (PID) that you want in your mail list and go to Attribute import option on the Process Navigator to set attributes for all of them
- In the communications Center, create a recipient group that consists of the people with that checked attribute and then create an email using that group.
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