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Follow the steps below to remove/move an online profile/personal page within a Gnosis peer-to-peer fundraising event. This is a common need when a person accidentally creates their profile with the wrong team or selected the incorrect individual versus team profile.


  • If a profile already has donations these donations cannot be moved. If you opt to proceed with the steps below to move the profile to the preferred location, any existing donations will still be counted toward the overall event fundraising total but will not be displayed on the new profile page.
  • At this time, you are not able to change the team leader or URL of an existing. If necessary, you may opt to create a new page using the guidance below.


Step 1 - Remove the Current Profile

Optional - If you plan to create the new profile in the correct location on behalf of the person: Review the online profile in the current/incorrect location. If the profile-holder posted a personal story, copy the content of their story and note their fundraising goal amount, if necessary.

  1. Go to the person's record in Gnosis > Fundraising Memberships tab > locate the necessary event.
  2. Click the drop-down at the end of the line and select Open Page > As Yourself.
  3. mceclip0.png
  4. A browser window will open displaying the person's online profile. Under Participant Tools select Manage This Profile.
  5. mceclip5.png
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the settings and click mceclip3.png.
  7. In the next popup, select mceclip4.png.


Step 2 - Create the New Profile in the Correct Location

You can opt to create the new profile in the correct location on behalf of the person (see steps below) or you can simply inform the person of the following:

The incorrect profile has been removed. You can now log into the main event page by clicking the Register or Join button and logging in with your username and password. The site will recognize your existing registration and will start you on the screen where you can now create your new profile [with the correct team or as an individual, whichever is necessary].

If you wish to create the new profile on behalf of this person:

  1. When the person's record open in Gnosis, go to the Person & Household Actions menu at the top of the screen > Login to Website as This Person.
  2. When the browser opens, navigate to the fundraising event page and click the Register or Join button.
  3. The site will recognize the person's existing registration and will start you on the screen where you can now create the new profile [with the correct team or as an individual, whichever is necessary].
  4. If the person had uploaded person photos to the initial profile, they will need to log into the site to upload the photos again under their Profile Settings.




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