The Registration Setup form within the Event Management Module provides fields that collect the various registration details available for any event. These include:
- when registration opens and if multiple registration tiers are needed
- ensuring names are collected, if desired
- specifying a Free or Scheduled Fee event
- specifying attendance and registration numbers
- specifying registrant categories and charges
- and more.
Note: The Event Registration form is only available if the Registrations checkbox has been checked in the Event Options area of the main Event Definitions form.
*Required settings for event registrations.
Registration Settings
This area defines generic registration information that applies to all registrant categories set further down in this form.
Registration Opens
To activate the registration function on the website on a specific day/time, set the Registration Opens field to the number of weeks, days, and/or hours before the event by just typing in the appropriate box or using the drop-down list.
Registration Type & Registration Ends
Click on all registration types applicable to this event. Each event must have at least one registration type to ensure that registration opens at some point in time.
The multiple registration types available allow you to set a tiered registration schedule, usually only used when you have tiered registration fees, like an early bird special fee and or a higher free for at the door registrations. Setting the multiple registration types here will allow online registration to automatically change the fee(s) due as scheduled here. You may find it convenient to use a date calculator to identify the dates/times relative to the event start date/time.
*Registration Opens and At-the-Door Availability (close) dates are required for all events using registration.
Registration Mode & Attendance Options
- Registration Information Survey – Allows an existing survey created in Gnosis to be integrated into the registration process, both online and in the client application. First, create the necessary survey then select the survey in the drop-down in the event registration setup form. Common uses for surveys within registration are to ask for food allergies/preferences and or child care needs for attending a program, or a shirt size for special events.
- Registration Confirmation – can be used to specify a communications item to be automatically emailed to each person that is registered for the event (as opposed to the optional "Event Booking Confirmation" that will be auto-sent to each person making a booking - unless it is turned off for the event category).
Any communication with a recipient group based on the "Event Registration Administration" schema will be listed here to choose from.
(NOTE: If you are setting up a recipient group for an event registration confirmation, the criteria should include only the "Registered for Instance = True" criteria unless you wish to also limit the recipients based on some other criteria. - *Registration Fee Type – Select the appropriate drop-down box to specify the fee type for the event. This is a required field.
- Names Required – Checking this requires a user registering other individuals for the event to supply their names in order to complete their registration. If this option is not checked, multiple "placeholder" registrations are created and you can provide the booking person with a link to supply the names as they become available.
- Allow Guests to Attend – Determines if a person can register other people not already present in their household or organization records in Gnosis or if they can also register guests.
- Meeting Group Members Only - This option will only be available if a "Member Group" has been specified on the initial event setup page. If then checked, only active members of the group will be able to register for the event. You can use this option in circumstances where you want group members to register but do not want to open the event to non-group members.
Attendance and Registration
Numbers may optionally be entered to enable tracking of registration counts versus planned numbers.
- Budgeted Minimum – Tracking purposes only, via reporting results
- Budgeted Target– Tracking purposes only, via reporting results
- Maximum Attendance – Online registration will automatically close if the set number is met and the attendance kiosk will not allow unregistered people to check-in. If a person tries to register for a capped event that is full, a message will display that the event is full and the person can contact a phone or email to be added to a waitlist. Contact Gnosis Support to setup or edit this message.
Payment Options
This area only applies to Scheduled Fee/ticketed events.
The Deposit options in this section are generally used for paid events where you need to take a deposit at the time of booking but do not need the full payment until a later date. Enabling this option will allow a minimum payment of the deposit amount specified.
Click the appropriate box(es) to select the online payment option(s) for the event. For most ticketed events, the Pre-pay online (credit card) is the only option to select as Pre-pay offline would allow a person to register online but not pay for their ticket(s). During manual registration within the Gnosis client, check, cash, and credit card payments can be entered by a Gnosis user.
Registration Instructions
Enter any specific registration instructions in this area. This information will appear on the event registration web page and in booking confirmation emails.
Plain text entered into this area will appear unformatted, i.e. without bolding, paragraphs, bullets, etc. To create formatted text use the HTML Edit option.
This area only applies to Scheduled Fee/ticketed events and determines income allocations. All drop-down lists are the same used during Contribution Entry. If a new income class is needed, request your system administrator to add it to Reference Data.
This section also allows a fee split between a tax-deductible amount and a non-deductible amount ($75 ticket = $25 goods and services and $50 donation). It is recommended to set up an additional event-related income account identified as non-tax-deductible – meaning the portion of the ticket assigned to that account ($25 from the example above) is not tax-deductible by the donor. When adding the new account in Reference Data, simply check the box in the Flags section on the righthand side to mark the account as Non-Tax Deductible.
- Income Account – Required field to identify the event fee (if chargeable)
- Goods & Services – Identify the non-deductible account, if desired to track the value portion of ticket/fee (optional, but required if you wish to disclose the deductible portion of the donation to the donor).
- Campaign, Solicitation Code, and Source – Optional income class fields.
- Donate In Registration – Check to turn on option on for donors to make an additional gift, on top of their ticket/fee purchase. This option should not be turned on for peer-to-peer fundraising events.
Registrant Categories (and Charge Options Where Applicable)
This area is used to define first, who is able to attend the event, and second, what each category of registrants should be charged (for ticketed events). *There must be at least one category defined per event to activate event registration.
The system uses this category information to display the appropriate registration information to registrants and to restrict registration to persons entitled to attend.
- Category – Drop-down contains a list of registrant categories defined by your organization’s system administrator. These names will be displayed as “registration categories” during online registration. Set the categories to be made available for registration on the website; a category can only be used one time per event.
Also important here is defining which registration categories are for in-person attendance and which are for virtual/remote attendance. This is done in Reference Data where the Event Registration Categories are defined:
- Each registration type (where applicable) should have a corresponding "Flag" checked on to indicate to the Gnosis system whether the registration category is in-person or virtual. This in turn triggers the appropriate iconography to appear on the calendar and elsewhere.
- Category Description – An optional field where if the text is entered it will override the Category name listed in the previous column. This is an option to customize the category names visible during online registration.
- Memb. Cat. – Restricts registration to persons with one or more of the conditions selected. For instance: If only General Public is checked on, other types of records such as Member would not be eligible to register for the event.
- This column lists both Membership/Record Status options and optionally, a selected category of Attributes that can be set up by the system administrator to be used to define which persons are eligible to register for any particular event; typically the Roles attributes from the General Attributes tab is identified here.
- If a person does not have the designated Membership/Record Status required for an event and does not have an attribute in the list of attributes selected as required for registration then they will not be able to register. Additionally, only the category options for which they do qualify will be presented to them as registration options.
- Enab. – (Enabled). Determines whether the category is currently available for registration.
- Tkt. Prefix - If printed ticketing is desired, this field activates the addition of print-at-home tickets. Enter an alpha-numeric prefix to have Gnosis add print-at-home tickets to the event booking confirmation. The prefix that you apply will be prepended to the ticket number. Different prefixes used for each registration category can differentiate different classes of tickets.
- Ticket Limit - Allows you to set a limit on the specific registration/ticket category for all ticket sales. Example, if you only have 20 VIP tickets available for the event, enter 20 in this category field.
- Num Tkts – Specifies the number of tickets that are provided with each registration of that type. This facilitates selling ticket bundles/tables.
- Min – Allows you to set the minimum number of 'Ticket bundles' (see Num Tkts) allowed for that registration category, per booking.
- Max – Allows you to set the maximum number of 'Ticket bundles' (see Num Tkts) allowed for that registration category, per booking.
Global Registration Eligibility
It is also useful to mention at this point that there is a system-wide setting that allows you to operate in one of these two ways for all events:
- As long as the person booking is eligible to register, other persons on their registration list are also eligible.
- Each member of the registration list must be independently eligible to register.
To set your system's behavior to a different modality - or to check on your current modality setting, review the option in the Event Management section of System Preferences where you can check/uncheck the box to change the modality of your system for all events.
If you want to be more selective about how to manage this on an event-by-event basis, you can leave this setting set to enforce eligibility and implement the restrictions/allowances by adding multiple registration category lines in an event and making one or more of them available to persons of all statuses in your system.
Ticket Pricing
If there is only one open date for registration (Early Bird and Pre-Event Availability is not selected above), there will be one column titled At Door. If Early Bird and or Pre-Event Availability is checked above, additional columns will show, Early Bird and or Pre-Event. For each necessary registration period, enter the full fee/ticket price.
- G&S Val – Enter the goods and services value of the fee/ticket.
The system will do the math for each purchase, correctly applying the G&S amount of the ticket to the G&S account identified above and apply will the remaining amount to the donations income account identified.
After completing the Registration Setup screen, click Next to proceed to additional forms or click Finish to save the event and registration settings.
1 comment
How do you re-order the registration types?
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