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Please read the requirements for multi-language system setup before proceeding.


Portal forms may be configured to offer multiple language options. When setup is complete, a language selector is displayed at the top right of the portal page.


If another language is selected, a translated page will appear for the attributes included in the portal form. Attribute names and "select one or many from a list" responses will continue to be displayed in English in the Gnosis application, regardless of what language the form was completed in.

Steps to Implement Portal Form Translations

Step 1 - Contact Support to request a multi-language setup and confirm which language option(s) to be added to your system.

Step 2 - Prepare language translations, either:
                  - directly in Gnosis application, Attribute Management, or
                  - using language export/import to generate a file for use by a translator.

Step 3 - Prepare copies of necessary auto-response emails in the alternate language(s).

Step 4 - Prepare additional translations required on portal pages (i.e.: static text on the pages).


Step 1 - Initiate Multi-Language System Setup 

If not already completed, Follow the guidance in this article for starting the multi-language portal implementation process. 

Step 2 - Prepare Attribute & Reference Data Translations

Once Support confirms your system configuration for your desired language(s), a Gnosis admin user will need to enter translations for desired attributes.

Please review the article Language Translation Export & Import for details on the bulk addition of reference data entries in the alternate language(s).  If you have only a small handful of entries that you wish to provide translations for, you can also enter the translations directly into the Attribute area as follows:

  1. Go to Settings > Administration > Attribute Management
  2. Locate desired tab > category > attributes and lists to select
  3. Enter translation in the desired Language Text field for added languages. (Additional languages options can be added at a later date if desired.)
    1. Only the Display Name requires translations
    2. If an Alternate Name exists, enter the translation for this text within the Translation Text tab.
    3. mceclip3.png
  4. Attribute list options will also require translations.
  5. Continue adding necessary translations, clicking Save regularly to save your work.
  6. When complete, click Save & Close to apply all translations entered.


NOTE: Boilerplate translations can be obtained from a site such as


Step 3 - Prepare New Auto Response Email(s)

PLEASE NOTE: You can use two approaches here - make your existing auto-response emails multi-lingual by adding alternate language(s), or, add completely separate auto-response emails, one for each language.  This section covers the later option.

  1. Copy any necessary auto-response emails in your Website Auto Response communications category; selecting to use the existing recipient group for each email copied.
  2. Update content in new copied email to provide the desired translation.
  3. Note the new Comms ID (CIID) of the new email(s).

Step 4 - Prepare additional translations required on portal pages

When all attribute translations have been applied and new auto-response emails created, the actual portal pages will need to be translated into the desired language.  You can elect to perform this work yourself, or, for an additional fee (or SSA hours), have Support perform the work for you.

To have Support perform the steps for you.

Please supply:

  1. The Page URL
  2. CIID of auto-response email to apply (if applicable)
  3. Any new or additional email address to be assigned as the CC of the auto-response
  4. If the form uses a success page or has other status text, please provide the translation for this content also.

To Translate Portal Pages Yourself.

NOTE: Connect4 Support will have to add the desired languages to your system before you can perform these steps.

  • From within your Composite CMS system, switch to the language you wish to implement by selecting it in the top right-hand corner of the Composite C1 console:
  • In the "tree" of site pages, you will see two types of page entries
    1. The pages created in the standard English version are represented by a "Globe" icon
    2. The pages that have been "translated" into the selected language are represented with a standard "Page" icon.
  • To translate a page that has not yet been processed (pages with a Globe Icon), select the page in the tree and press the "Translate" 
  • The page will now open with the English content ready for you to translate.

Viewing translated Pages

Once all desired pages have been translated, you will add a language selector control to the "top" edit area of each page.  This will allow easy switching between languages as a visitor to the site.  In order to easily navigate to your translated pages before adding this language switcher, you can edit the page URL in your browser to specify the desired language version as follows:

If your portal main guest page URL (for English) is

... then your Spanish version of this page will be



SEE ALSO: Multi-Language Events Calendar



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