Table of Contents

There are a lot of options in subscription management. Be sure to thoroughly review this primer and complete all necessary steps.

This article includes the following sections:

  • What is a Gnosis Subscription?
  • Process Summary
  • Process Detail
  • Subscription Reporting


What is a Gnosis Subscription?

  • Subscriptions can be used to manage a variety of different amount and time-based payment situations:
    • Paid benefits memberships
    • Periodical subscriptions
    • Donor pledges and giving societies
    • Any scheduled recurring-payment-plan scenario.
  • Multiple payment schedules available: monthly, quarterly, half-yearly; annual; etc.

NOTE: Processing recurring gifts requires the Customer Information Manager (CIM) Service to be enabled within your gateway account.



Process Summary

Each summary step is explained in more detail in the next section.

  1. Create the giving level/schedule in Subscriptions Management (a one time step).
  2. Save a valid credit card in the donor's personal record under the Credit Card Manager tab.
  3. Set up the new pledge in the donor record under the Pledges/Subscriptions tab.
  4. Conduct the necessary billing runs to invoice and pay the necessary installments due. It is most common to complete billing runs on a monthly basis.
  5. Review the Billing Run screen and Billing Run Report/Activity Log to confirm all payments were made successfully and identify any card issues that need to be addressed manually.
  6. Review your preferred subscription information report(s) to make sure all subscriptions are up to date and being managed properly.


Process Detail

The following is more detailed information on the summary steps above.

1. Create the giving level/schedule in Subscriptions Management (a one time step).

Most systems are equipped with a standard monthly recurring gift option for a variable rate, but you will most likely want to add or modify your subscription set up to meet your specific giving plan needs.  This article on Creating a New Subscription Type and Subscription Option guides you through the process.

If you have other giving needs to manage and would like to understand options more completely, please contact your Gnosis Support Person to schedule a review and/or training.

2. Save a valid credit card in the donor's personal record under the Credit Card Manager tab.

In order to set up a new subscription in a donor record, the donor must first have a credit card saved in their record. This card will then be selected as the card to charge in the new subscription. This process requires the Customer Information Manager (CIM) Service to be enabled within your gateway account.


3. Set up the new pledge in the donor record under the Pledges/Subscriptions tab.

All subscriptions must be opened in a person's record. If the subscription is being paid by an organization, ensure the person and organization are properly linked before starting the subscription then simply select the organization name from the appropriate drop-down show below. Although you will see the invoice and payment history of this pledge in the person's record, the funds will be properly assigned to the organization.


4. Conduct the necessary billing runs to invoice and pay the necessary installments due.

It is most common to complete billing runs on a monthly basis. See Subscription Billing Runs for guidance in addition to your training.


5. Review the Billing Run screen and Billing Run Report/Activity Log.

This a very important step to confirm all payments were made successfully and identify any card issues that need to be addressed manually.  See Subscription Billing Runs for guidance in addition to your training.


6. Review your preferred subscription information report(s) to make sure all subscriptions are up to date and being managed properly.

Your Reporting Module came with a variety of standard subscription reports under the Subscription Category. If multiple report formats are available, it is recommended to review both layouts as different layouts may provide a slightly different data view.

Attached to this article you will find additional reports which may be imported to your system by an admin user.


Subscription Reporting

In the reporting module, you will find many standard and detailed reports under a Subscription or Pledges report category. Refer to report descriptions for more detailed information.

Some reports have a designed output, meaning you can click Run Report. You can also click Export on these for a grid view that is exportable to Excel. Some reports will only have the Export option available.

Read all columns carefully as there are many details associated with subscription setup and management.



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