Table of Contents


Please consult your primary Gnosis administrator or Gnosis support before using the capability described here. Gnosis support is happy to assist with setting up import templates for various third-party gift management systems.

This reference outlines the process for uploading donor records and new gifts using the attached combined upload template or a pre-mapped export from a third-party system. The process includes the following main steps:

  1. Prepare your person and gift data for upload
  2. Use this prepared upload file to upload donor data (assigning new PIDs and locating existing PIDs) and create a log file.
  3. Use the log file from above to upload the gift data

The Upload Process

Part A - Uploading Donor Records

  1. Obtain a combined donor and gift export from the third-party source.
  2. Run the gifts exports through Address Verification for normalization if the database addresses are not normalized into standard address formats.
  3. Prepare the import file for upload:
    1. There are two approaches to mapping your import data to Gnosis-required formats:
      • The easiest way to map data for import is to have Connect4 Support create an import source that pre-maps all of the exported donor person & household columns to Gnosis fields.  You can check your available pre-mapping formats by going to the Process Navigator and selecting the "Upload data" icon.  The available formats are listed in the top left-hand corner:
      • If you do not have a pre-mapping for your source spreadsheet, you will need to modify the headers of your spreadsheet using those in the attached template. You must copy/apply the exact headers from the template file, adding additional columns where necessary.
        • You can omit all mailing address fields if you upload only email addresses.
        • Format any date columns to "mm/dd/yyyy" or "yyyy-mm-dd" format if necessary.
  4. All records will be uploaded as Active/Current records by default.  Refer to the attached template if you wish to add additional fields in the upload. 
  5. Delete any unnecessary data from the upload file (optional), and delete any empty rows at the bottom of the sheet (select the first few blank rows after the data, right-click, and choose "delete").
  6. Lastly, if necessary, convert your spreadsheet file to a CSV file format by saving it as CSV.

  7. When you are ready to perform the upload, go to the Process Navigator and select the "Upload data" icon.
  8. Select the Gnosis Standard Spreadsheet Import option if you are using a standard mapping template, or if you have a special mapping template for your file, select it from the list.
  9. Click in the "open file" text box to locate your saved .csv file for upload (make sure you have closed the spreadsheet first)
  10. Press the Load from File button. Your data will load in the window below.
  11. Choose any optional selections as follows:
    1. Auto Update Missing Data: any new data in the file will be added to the existing record
    2. Auto Update All Data: all data in the file will override existing record data
    3. Disable Duplicate Checking: If all records are known to be NEW, check this box to speed up the upload.
    4. Import Keys from FDS: This support-only option is only used by support to import data to your system; DO NOT check this box.
  12. When you are ready, press the Validate & Import > you will see line by line the progress of the data import. 
  13. IMPORTANT: Immediately following the upload, a system prompt will appear asking if you wish to save the log file; always save the log file when importing records. We recommend keeping the import log in the same file location as your import .csv file with "LOG" added to the file name.

Part B - Uploading Gift Data

Using the LOG file from the previous step, perform the following steps. (NOTE: If desired, you can perform the preparation steps and the donor data preparation step before uploading the first step.)

  1. Add or rename, as appropriate, the following columns in your spreadsheet: 
    Column Name Description Uses a Reference Data ID Field Required?
    TransAccount Account ID Number from reference data Yes Yes
    BatchNum The number of the transaction batch that you wish to upload to. - Yes
    TransDate Date of the transaction - Yes
    TransPayType Method of payment (CA/CK/OC/SC/IK) - Yes
    TransType Always set to "P" (no quotes) - Yes
    TransAmount Amount of the gift - Yes
    TransDesc Optional description of the gift - -
    TransCampaignID Campaign ID Number from reference data Yes -
    TransSource Source ID Number from reference data Yes -
    COSolicitationCode Solicitation Code ID Nbr from reference data Yes -
    Obtain the necessary IDs (indicated in the "Reference Data IDs column above) from Reference Data Management.
    Valid TransPayTypes are:

       CK = Check payment
       EC = Electronic Check/Direct Deposit

       CA = Cash
       OC = Offline Credit Card
       OT = Other
       SC = Soft Credit
       IK = In-Kind
  2. If needed, format the TransDate column to mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd.
  3. If necessary, format the TransAmount column to 0.00 (no $ signs).
  4. In Gnosis, navigate to "Settings | Support Menu | DEO Data Upload Utility".
  5. In the DEO Data Upload Utility:
      • Select the CSV LOG File that you saved in step 1
      • Choose the "Contributions" option for the data to import
      • Press the"Validate PIDs" button to verify that all of the PIDs in your spreadsheet exist in your Gnosis system.
  6. Lastly, press the "Import" button.
  7. Gnosis will indicate whether your import was successful or had any issues.

To review gifts uploaded, open Batch Management and Run Report to view the batch report of all imported gifts.





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