Table of Contents


Gnosis provides the option to select which cards are allowed in transactions, and the cost of card transactions.  If you wish to offer donors the opportunity to cover these card fees, you can also set that up as described below. This pay-the-fees feature may be optionally enabled and applied to:

  • Online donations
  • Back-office donation processing (Contribution Entry screen)
  • Subscription/Recurring transactions
  • Invoice payments

This feature can be globally configured to display as an option for donors to check or it can be turned on to always apply to all gifts. Individual/custom donation pages may be configured to either Not Apply, Apply as a Donor's option, or Always Apply the transaction fee feature.



Go to the Process screen > Transaction Batch Management > Credit Card Options (at the bottom of the screen):


Pressing the Credit Card Options button will display the following dialog:



Credit Card Processing Congifuration

1.  Check the Enabled box to indicate which card type(s) may be processed in your system 

2.  Specify the fee you wish to ask donors to pay for card processing; you may need to contact your merchant account provider to obtain the current rates being charged. 

3.  The card processing fee represents the additional flat fee charged per transaction by your internet gateway provider, such as

Donor Fee Request Configuration

This section allows you to set up the modality for the donor pays fee option.  While the selected modality will apply by default throughout the system, you will be able to change the modality for individual donation online pages and you will always be able to change the modality when using the Gnosis app.

4.  Donor Fee Payment Request Mode is the default global setting for your system and may be one of three options:

  • Never: A donor never pays the card fee.
  • Optional: A donor is invited to pay the card fee by displaying an option checkbox.
  • Always: The fee will always be added to any gift being processed in your system.

5.  Account for Fees on Invoices allows you to specify the income account for fees added to invoices.

  • When a donor adds a fee to a general contribution type gift, the fee amount is simply added to the amount of the gift and will use the already-selected income account.
  • When a donor elects to pay fees on an invoice (including subscription/recurring gift invoices), fees are added to the invoice as a separate line item; this separate line item will use the account specified at #5.
  • You may opt to use an existing General or Unrestricted account; it is not requried to create a new income account unless one is desired. (Reminder to update QuickBooks account mappings if a new account is created and you are posting directly to QB.)


6.  The last three fields allow you to specify the text used when online gifts and invoices are processed:

  • For 'Optional Request' Mode - Ask: This text will be displayed online to invite the donor to cover the cost of fees with their gift.
  • For 'Always Charge' Mode - Say: This text will be displayed online to let the donor know that card fees will be added to the total of their gift.
  • Fee Description for Invoices: This text will appear on the new invoice line items that include the card fee paid by the donor.

Each of these text areas has two action buttons at the end of the text line:

    •   Pressing this icon presents the tokens that may be used to insert contextual values such as the card type or fee amount into the text.  Clicking on one of the presented options inserts the token for that value at the point of the cursor in the text.
    •  Hovering over this icon with your mouse pointer displays the text as it would be constructed using the specified and sample amount values.


Processing Transactions

For all online donation pages, the selected modality and text to be used for fee payments (steps 4 and 6 above) will be presented to the donor once the card information has been entered (unless the modality is over-ridden on a specific donation page by the settings in the donation processing control on the page).

In the Gnosis Pro application, optional "donor pays fees" checkboxes are available once the card information has been entered.  The images below indicate the various areas where the fees option will be presented:


Entering Contributions


Entering Invoice Payments


On Subscriptions/Recurring Gifts/Pledges





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